Mechanisms in Advanced Organic Chemistry Free Download

Mechanisms in Advanced Organic Chemistry

For a very long time the need was felt by graduate and postgraduate students of Chemistry of almost all colleges and of Indian Universities for a book dealing with advanced mechanistic organic chemistry written in understandable language and with suitable examples which can be easily grasped to make their concept clear. Besides students, this has also been the requirement of teachers teaching advanced mechanistic organic chemistry.Till about 1959 there appears to be the only book by E.S. Gould (Structure and Mechanism of Organic Chemistry) but the examples mentioned in it are so difficult at several places that they elude the comprehension of even teachers, not to talk of students. Around sixties appeared the book by Jerry March (Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reactions, Mechanism and Structure). It was definitely a much better advance than that of Gould, but it has been made so bulky that its cost has become prohibitive. It adores the racks and shelves of libraries. In view of the above difficulties of teacher and students, the present book has been brought out.

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